What is space?
It’s always there. All around you.
Spaces cannot be seen without boundaries.
Tiny space. Vast space.
Space can make you feel.
Warm space. Cold space.
Spaces can have smells.
Good smells. Not-so-good smells.
Spaces can have sound.
Loud space. Quiet space.
You can fill up space with things.
Space with books. Space with pastries.
Or you can leave space empty.
Space to run. Space to nap.
Some things are created from empty space.
Stories from paper. Echoes from caves.
Sometimes people like to claim space.
My space. Your space.
Sometimes you’ll wish you had less space.
Space to play games. Space for a sleep-over.
Sometimes you’ll wish you had more.
Space to think. Space to read.
There’s space in your heart for those you care about.
Family space. Friend space.
And you might care about a lot of things.
Dog space. Cat space.
But there’s no limit to how much your heart can hold
Space to fly a kite. space for buttons in a jar.
Space around the campfire. Space to gaze at stars.
Even leaving space to have scones with your tea,
Thank you for saving space in your heart…
For me.

Apricot Coconut Heart Scones
makes 8 – 12 heart-shaped scones
prep time: 30 minutes
cook time: 10 minutes
total time: 40 minutes
1 1/2 cups all purpose flour
1/4 cup granulated sugar
1 tsp baking powder
1/4 tsp baking soda
1/4 tsp salt
6 tbsp cold butter (diced)
1/2 cup dried apricots (diced)
1/2 cup coconut yogurt (Noosa brand)
1 1/2 cups all purpose flour
1/4 cup granulated sugar
1 tsp baking powder
1/4 tsp baking soda
1/4 tsp salt
6 tbsp cold butter (diced)
1/2 cup dried apricots (diced)
1/2 cup coconut yogurt (Noosa brand)
Preheat oven to 425ºF
Sift together the flour, sugar, baking powder, baking soda and salt.
Cut the butter into the dry ingredients with a fork until the mixture becomes crumbly (see Author’s Notes for additional tips).
Stir in the yogurt and mix until the dough starts to come together. Add the diced apricots.
Form the dough into a ball and put it onto a floured surface. Pat the ball down to a 1/2 inch thick circle.
Use a heart-shaped cookie cutter and press into the dough to create the scones.
Place the heart scones on a greased baking sheet (I sprayed coconut oil).
Bake for about 10-15 minutes or until edges are slightly crisp and the top is lightly browned.
Adapted from Fannetastic Food
Author’s Notes
In the kitchen
This is a versatile recipe where you can throw in pretty much anything you want: dried fruit, chocolate, nuts, etc. You can experiment with different types and flavors of yogurt too.
To “cut in” butter is a quick way to combine dry ingredients with the butter. Start with cold butter and cut the butter into small evenly sized pieces. Sprinkle the pieces into the flour and toss to coat the butter pieces. Then, using a fork or your hands, break up the butter pieces in the flour until the mixture looks like coarse crumbs. These little pieces of butter melt in the baking process and create layers of flakiness. Yum!
In life
This poem was inspired by my appreciation for all the wonderful spaces that life has to offer. I wanted to celebrate the simple things that bring me joy – and scones with tea is one of them.

Thanks for the wonderful recipe!
I swapped out apricot for currant, and used 1/4 cup milk + 1/4 cup vanilla flavored greek yogurt instead. They came together so easily and are super yummy. 🙂
Yay-I’m glad you liked the recipe! Your currant and vanilla yogurt scones sound yummy. I’ll have to try it next time!